The Book of Malachi
Read Malachi 1
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Malachi. This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand, period, but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts. We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your Bible and let’s study God’s word together.
Interacting with the word
How did the priest defile God’s name?
What was God’s decision about Edom?
Understanding God’s word: In the book of Malachi, we see God, who had now released Israel from captivity bringing accusations against Israel once more. Israel was supposed to offer to God an unblemished offering, but instead, we’re giving God the blind and blemished animals for the sacrifice. The Lord was pointing out that if they didn’t treat the kings of the Earth that way, why would they treat Him that way. The Lord ends Chapt 1 by saying “ I am a great king, and my name is feared among the nations.”
Read Malachi 2
Interacting with the Word...
Describe God’s relationship with Levi (which represents the priest).
What was God’s accusation against the priest?
What is the priest role?
Why does the Lord no longer accept the offering of Israel’s priest?
How had Israel wearied the Lord?
The book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament and the last of the minor prophets. Malachi means “My messenger” Israel has at this time rebuilt the Temple and the wall but God wasn’t only interested in the restoration of these things. He desired true religious fidelity and truth from Isreal. Keeping the covenant was important to God, he wasn’t simply interested in rebuilding the outward representations of their worship to God, but God was expressing the importance of internal devotion to God
Read Malachi 3
Who is the messenger that God is going to send?
What does God say about this messenger?
How did Israel rob God?
Return to me and I will return to you Malachi 3:7
Understanding God’s word: The book of Malachi is unique in that it uses a question and answer format to speak to Isreal about their sins. The Lord was using this format to ask them to return in hearts to Him by showing their devotion towards Him in their giving. God knew that where their treasure was their hurt would be also. He wanted to make sure that the correct priorities and money is often a way that God can see our priorities. This isn’t just about money, it’s about heart. God was looking for Israel’s heart.
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas of your heart where you need to return to the Lord?
Read Malachi 4
Who will the Lord send before the great and terrible day of the Lord?
What will the Prophet do?
What does the Lord want them to remember?
Interacting with God's Word: The book of Malachi was written to inspire the people of Israel to honor the Lord from their hearts. Although this book is often focused on because of money, the Lord understood that they gave offerings as a sign of the status of their hearts. We often associate the book of Malachi with tithes and offerings in church, but it truly was an encouragement to not just build temples and walls, but to live for God every day of our lives, prioritizing Him above all else because this expressed that you trusted Him. It was an expression of surrendering to God’s will and His ways.
After this, it would be 400 years before another prophet would come to Israel. The next would be John the Baptist coming in the Spirit of Elijah ushering in the return of Jesus. The old testament prophets all solidify one thing, if God doesn’t save us by sending a Savior, we will perish. Romans 3:20 states the law gives us the knowledge of sin. We wouldn’t know what was sinful and what was not if we did not have the law. We would be people living from our own impulses, but God in His kindness gives us the law so that we can interact with Him and live in peace. Yet, men over and over again proved that they could not keep the law.
When Jesus comes, he fulfills the law. (Romans 5:17) This means he came to full preach the law, execute it, and then end it. Jesus isn’t ending morality, but He is allowing the law to be written on our hearts so it has its intended effects. The intended effect is a relationship with God that invites people to know God for themselves. He has given his people the ability to have a relationship with God, not based on the law, but based on the relationship with Him who has fulfilled it. We cannot be saved by the Law, only by the grace of Jesus Christ. The lives we live will ultimately reflect that grace.
Ask the Holy Spirit this question: Are there any places in your life that you are attempting to live by the Law that you need grace?