The Book of Zechariah
Read Zechariah 1
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Zechariah. This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand, period, but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts. We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your Bible and let’s study God’s word together.
Interacting with the word…
According to the video, what was the purpose of the book of Zechariah?
What was the warning that Zechariah gave the people?
How does the Lord feel about Judah and Zion?
How will the Lord return to Jeruselum?
Journal Prompt: Zechariah takes during the 70 years of captivity and it contains prophecies of the restoration of Israel. God does not punish us forever. What does this say about God's nature and character?
Read Zechariah 2
Interacting with the Word...
The Lord sent an Angel to measure Jeruselum, why?
Why does the daughter of Zion sing?
What was the Lord's plan for his people?
Interacting with God's Word:
Zechariah 2 is the picture of God's restoration plan.
What are some areas of your life that need restoration?
Take some time to invite the Lord into that place?
Read Zechariah 3
Who is the branch?
What happens when the Lord rebukes Satan?
Why does He give Joshua new garments?
Interacting with God's Word:
Zechariah 3 is a picture of restoration. God is restoring his people to their rightful place after a season of discipline. He allowed Satan to send them into captivity, but now, he is rebuking Satan and restoring them to their rightful place. In God's wisdom, He is teaching us about the importance of not allowing ourselves to open the door to Satan's schemes like Adam and Eve. He is teaching us the importance of keeping the door closed to the devices of the enemy that bring us into captivity.
Think about your own life. Ask the Holy Spirit if you have any open doors to the enemy. Then ask Him how to close them?
Read Zechariah 4
What do the lampstands represent?
What do the olive branches represent?
Interacting with God's Word:
Praise Break
Zechariah gives us a spiritual picture of what happens when God's favor is upon a man to bring breakthrough. When God calls a man to do a great work, we often hear of the work but not necessarily of the spiritual empowering work behind it. In the world of the Lord to Zerrubbabl we see that it's the spiritual empowering from Heaven through the prophetic declaration that Gave Zerubbabel his strength. This strength cleared the way before God's chosen man to rebuild the house of God.
Have you ever done something and experienced what felt like the supernatural empowering of the Lord? Thank God right now to give you wisdom and strength for the assignment He has called you too.
Read Zechariah 5
Interacting with the Word...
What does the flying scroll represent?
What is the purpose of the women in the basket represents?
Interacting with God's Word:
Praise Break
In Zechariah 4, the Lord is separating what is Holy and what is profane. Israel had soiled its garments by using unjust weights, lying, etc. The Lord was purging these things from the Land. The women in the basket represent the unseen influences that had caused Israel to sin and how they were now being separated from Israel and brought to another place.
What we are witnessing in this scripture is the sanctification of Israel? Reflect on your own sanctification process. What is one thing that God has delivered you from?
Read Zechariah 6
Interacting with the Word...
What do the 4 horses represent?
Who was appointed to rebuild the temple of the Lord?
What was the purpose of the crown?
Interacting with God's Word:
Praise Break
In Zechariah 6, The Lord has appointed the priest to rebuild the temple of God. God is restoring the Land and its people by first restoring the place of fellowship with the Lord. Have you ever tried to do restoration apart from a relationship with God? It simply leads to performance on the surface but no heart change. Real transformation occurs when we value or relationship first. We must rebuild the temple of God in our hearts and then we can fully experience His restoration.
Read Zechariah 7
Interacting with the Word...
What does the Lord want Israel to practice?
How did the people respond to God's command?
What was the consequence of their disobedience?
Read Zechariah 8
Interacting with the Word...
What will the city of Jerusalem be called?
What is the Lord going to do for his people according to verses 7 & 8?
How will the Lord treat the remnant of His people?
What do these scriptures say about the restoration of the Lord?
Watch this video about Zechariah!
Read Zechariah 9
Interacting with the Word...
What will happen to the nations surrounding Israel?
What was the destiny of the Philistines?
Why did the Lord tell Zion to rejoice?
Interacting with God's Word:
Zechariah 9 speaks of the nations coming to learn of Him in Jerusalem. Verse 9 speaks of the word of the Lord against other nations. It spokes about Jesus coming to His people. Take some time with the Lord and give God thanks for His restoring power.
Read Zechariah 10
Interacting with the Word...
What happens when there is no Shepard?
What will the Lord do for the House of Judah and Joseph?
Who has the Lord redeemed?
Read Zechariah 11
Interacting with the Word...
Why does the Lord say "Pasteur the flock the flock doomed to slaughter"?
What do the thirty shekels of silver represent?
Why who is the worthless shepherd that Zechariah is referring to? (Hint: Think one of the 12 Apostles).
Read Zechariah 12
Interacting with God’s word….
What will happen to Judah and Jerusalem?
What will happen to the nations that come against Jerusalem?
Who will look on the one on whom they have pierced?
Who is the one who was pierced?
Interacting with God's Word:
The Prophecies of Jesus
The book of Zechariah speaks of Jesus and the prophecies concerning Him. It speaks specifically of the relationship that Israel will have with Jesus. Why do you think Israel missed Jesus?
Read Zechariah 13
Interacting with God’s word….
What will happen to the one who does not prophesy?
What does the word "Strike the Shepard and the sheep shall be scattered?"
Reflections on Jesus
Jesus is the Messiah coming to save the children of Israel and all of Humanity. I want you to reflect on Jesus's ability to save you Jesus?
Read Zechariah 14
Interacting with God’s word….
Who will fight for Israel?
How does Zechariah describe the Messiah's actions?
How will Jeruseluem be in the final days?
Reflections on Jesus and Judas
Judas through Jesus was to be a military leader. He though the battle to be fought was in the natural not in the spirit. He misunderstood Zechariah 14. He believed Jesus was to come and fight and he betrayed him in order for HIm to do so. He tried to force his hand. He tried to manipulate God. Have you ever tried to force God's hand? to save the children of Israel and all of Humanity. I want you to reflect on the Jesus's ability to save you.Jesus?