The Book of Jonah
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Jonah.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.
While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation.
Read Jonah 1
Interacting with the Word
What was Jonah's response to God's voice?
Why do you think Jonah disobeyed God?
Compare the righteousness of the men on the ship to that of Jonah? Who in your opinion was more righteous?
Even though Jonah rejected God's instructions, God didn't reject Jonah or reassign His call to another. He not only demonstrated his kindness to those considered unrighteous (Gentiles) who prayed to other gods. He also was kind to Jonah who directly disobeyed his instructions. God is attempting to demonstrate his mercy towards Israel in this story.
Write down the times you have seen God's mercy in your life. Then begin to release gratitude to God for HIs mercy.
Read Jonah 2
Interacting with the Word
How did Jonah respond to being in the fish?
What are some of the similarities between Jesus and Jonah in this chapter?
Read Matthew 12:38-42
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for looking for a sign and weren't able to discern that something greater was standing before them. We need God's discernment to so that we don't miss the times and seasons before us.
Journal Prompt: What season are you in right now?
Ask the Holy Spirit what are the things you need to see or be aware of in this season.
Read Jonah 3
Interacting with the Word
What did the Lord speak to Jonah?
What was the response of Jonah to the King?
What is atonement according to God's word?
Journal Prompt: Ask the Holy Spirit, what does atonement look like in your life? What does it mean to be forgiven?
Read Jonah 4
Interacting with the Word
Why did God's kindness make Jonah angry?
Have you ever been angry at God for his love or favor given to someone else?
Overcoming the Religious and Judgmental Spirit
God asked Jonah this question: “You cared about a vine plant that you neither worked on nor cultivated? A vine plant that grew up overnight and died overnight? So why shouldn’t I be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 human beings who do not know their right hand from their left,as well as a lot of livestock?”
God cared about Nineveh and God displayed his desire by sending a prophet to correct them. God's judgement are always righteous and pure, however a critical and religious spirit judges people worthy of death that even God desires to spare. It's misplaced judgement that brings a spirit of death instead of inspiring real repentance.
The goal of God bringing judgement is repentance not death and people with an overly judgemental or critical spirit can hear God clearly and be used by God but because of the belief that they are superior refuse to obey God because they judge themselves as more righteous than even God. Jonah could hear God's voice but he hardened his heart because He couldn't tolerate God healing people that Jonah himself could not accept.
So how do we overcome a religious or superiority spirit operating in us? Are you offended with God?
Sometimes our anger towards God is because of past trauma. Other times, its because He blessed someone that we believe don't deserve it especially, if we are still waiting on a promise from God ourselves. If you feel like you are offended at God, is time to repent for your self-righteous attitudes and move into acceptance and forgiveness.
Blessed are those who aren't offended in me-Matthew 11:6
Journal prompt: Ask the Holy Spirit if you are angry with God and what's the root of your anger? Then ask God to forgive you for your angry and bring Healing.
Forgive God for what you perceive is the wrong your perceive that He committed.
Forgiving God
Interacting with the Word
What was Jonah's Grudge against God?
Journal Prompt: God, am I angry with God?
The Prophet Jonah
Interacting with the Word
Now that you have read the Prophet Jonah, what can you learn from the life of the Prophet Jonah?
How can you apply these words to your life?
Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Jonah.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.