The Book of Jeremiah

Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Jeremiah.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.

While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible everyday ask Him to give you a new revelation

Day 1 - Read Jeremiah 1

Interacting with the Word

  1. How was Jeremiah called to be a prophet?

  2. What does Jeremiah initially reject God's call to be a Prophet?

The Prophet Jeremiah was one of the first four major prophets along with Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Jeremiah (/ˌdʒɛrəˈmaɪə/; JERR-ə-MY-ə) is a Hebrew male given name meaning "Yhwh will raise or exalt”. Jeremiah wrote the book of lamentations and the book of Jeremiah. He lived to see the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 6th Century BC.

Day 2 -Read Jeremiah 2 to 3

Interacting with the Word

  1. Why does the Lord refer to himself as the source of the Living waters? (Jeremiah 2:3)

  2. What is the significance of the Ark of the Covenant in verse 3:16?

Day 3 -Read Jeremiah 4 to 5

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgement against Israel?

  • In the commentaries it seems to note that Jeremiah was not a hard man but actually, gentle and tender by nature although he had a mission from God to to pronounce judgement on Israel.

Day 4 to 6 -Read Jeremiah 6 to 11

Interacting with the Word

Ask yourself after the end of each chapter (from chapter 6 to chapter 11),

  1. What was God's judgement against Israel?

Day 7 -Read Jeremiah 12 to 13

Interacting with the Word

  1. What does the expression "Can a leopard change his spots?" mean?

  2. What does it mean to really be transformed before the Lord?

Journal prompt: Living a life of transformation isn't simple. Ask the Lord for ways to live a life transformed by His Grace.

Day 8 -Read Jeremiah 14 to 15

Interacting with the Word

Ask yourself after the end of the chapter,

  1. What was God's judgement against Israel?

Day 9 -Read Jeremiah 16 to 17

Interacting with the Word

  1. What does the Lord say about trust and wisdom?

Journal prompt: The fear of the Lord is the start of wisdom. How do you begin to grow wisdom in our lives so that trusting God becomes our first nature instead of our last resort? Ask God to show you the places where He is speaking to you and it doesn't feel like wisdom but it is?

Day 10 -Read Jeremiah 18 to 19

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was the significance of the potter and the vessel?

Journal prompt: Are you living a life of surrender to God? Do you trust Him? Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any places where you are not living fully in surrender and trust to the Lord.

Day 11 -Read Jeremiah 20 to 21

Interacting with the Word

  1. Why was Jeremiah lamenting?

Day 12 -Read Jeremiah 22 to 23

Interacting with the Word

  1. What does the Prophet Jeremiah have to say about Jesus the Messiah?

Journal prompt: All four of the major prophets discuss Jesus the Messiah. Jesus is reflected in both the Old and New Testament, He is the hope of Israel and he gentile nations. Do you look to Jesus as your hope? Ask the Holy Spirit for any areas where Jesus isn't reflected as your hope and then invite Him to bring Healing!

Day 13 -Read Jeremiah 24 to 27

Interacting with the Word

Ask yourself after the end of each chapter (from chapter 24 to chapter 27),

  1. What was God's judgement against Israel?

Day 14 -Read Jeremiah 28 to 29

Interacting with the Word

  1. How did God plan to deal with Israel's sins?

Day 15 -Read Jeremiah 30 to 33

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgement against Israel?

  2. What does the Prophet Jeremiah have to say about Jesus the Messiah?

Day 16 to 22 -Read Jeremiah 34 to 47

Interacting with the Word

Ask yourself after the end of each chapter (from chapter 34 to chapter 47),

  1. Why do you think God pronounced judgement against Babylon after using them to humble Judah?

Day 23 to 27- Read Jeremiah 46 to 52

Interacting with the Word

Ask yourself after the end of each chapter (from chapter 46 to chapter 52),

  1. How does God plan to deal with the nations He used to humble Israel and Judah?

Day 28 - Reflect on Jeremiah 52

Interacting with the Word

  1. What did you learn about the call of the Prophet from the Book of Jeremiah?


Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Jeremiah.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.


The Book of Ezekiel


The Book of Jonah