The Book of Micah
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Micah.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.
While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation.
Read Micah 1
Interacting with the Word
What was God's charge against Samaria and Judah?
What was Israel's punishment because of their sin?
Read Micah 2
Interacting with the Word
How was God's response to the wickedness of Israel's leaders?
How does God feel about premeditated sin?
Who is like the Lord?
Micah's name means "Who is like the Lord?" Can anyone compare to God? Can your Pastor or any president or world system? None! The answer is no one. He is the redeemer of us all.
Journal Prompt: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with living in the reality that God has no comparison. Think of a time recently where God showed up and right out praise to Him. Include scripture in your response.
Read Micah 3
Interacting with the Word
Why did God say it wasn't for them to administer justice?
Why was God's charge against Israel's leadership?
Read Micah 3:5 “Thus says the Lord concerning the (false) prophets who lead my people astray; when they have something good to bite with their teeth, they call out "peace". But against the one who gives them nothing to eat, they declare a holy war.”
The prophet's allowed their bellies or their desires to determine whether God was good or not. The prophet's had begun to prophesy for a fee. Creating prophets who were getting rich by manipulating the people who felt they were avoiding calamity.
As a prophetic person or prophet, your integrity is important because many people will see you as the one whom God has sent. Although we are in a new dispensation, this paradigm still exists and we must understand what God requires of us and never use our platforms or prophecies to manipulate people.
Journal Prompt: Ask God to show you what kind of leader He is calling you to be?
Read Micah 4
Interacting with the Word
What does God say will happen in the last days?
The Last Days
The book of Micah gives us a very different perspective of the last days than what many of us have been taught. It is a vision of the last days that aren't filled with the antichrist and Jezebel. It is a picture of peace for all people who follow the Lord.
What do you think this means for the Last Days?
Read Micah 5
Interacting with the Word
Who was the ancient of days?
How do these scriptures represent Jesus?
Read Micah 6
Interacting with the Word
In the first few verses of Micah, God reminds the people of what He has done for them.
Why do you think God often does this?
What does God prefer over sacrifice?
God prefers Obedience - Read 1 Samuel 15:22-23
God is a the God of our hearts and He knows and understands them (our hearts) better than anyone else. The danger with religion is that we can offer God a form of obedience that doesn't come from the heart. In Micah, the Lord deals with His people as he did with Saul. He is telling them that it's their heart posture that He is after, not jus their outward show of obedience.
Then Jesus came and He made it possible for us to live free and obedient to the Father. This is the inheritance of this new testament believer who walks in obedience to Jesus Christ. We have received the ability to obey in freedom.
Journal Prompt: Ask God to reveal the ways you are not fully utilizing your New Covenant freedom and give you strategies to begin to effectively move into your inheritance.
Read Micah 7
Interacting with the Word
What did Micah resolve to do?
Where does our Salvation come from?
The Prophet Micah
Interacting with the Word
What did you learn from the book of Micah?
How could you apply this book to your life?
Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Micah.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.