Discernment is not for the purpose of passing judgment on opinions, as to which one is to be preferred as the more correct.
The Greek word is diakrisis. The root word is diakrino-de-a-kre-no- meaning to separate, make a distinction, to try to decide
Places where diakrisis- dee-ak'-ree-sis is used: 1 Corinthians 12:10; Romans 14:1; Hebrews 5:14.
The Greek word for aesthesis is the perception, not only by the senses but by intellect, cognition. Understanding ethical matters.
Malachi 3:18 “To see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not serve Him.”
Discerning spirits or the spiritual realm is about understanding what is influencing decisions, thoughts, and actions.
Discernment is a revelation gift, giving by Revelation.
You can discern the demonic.
God’s Holy Spirit or the Angels
Human Spirit
You can discern if someone is a Christian.
When you are born again, you have the gifts of the discerning of spirits.
When we discern, God is revealing things for us to cover people in prayer.