The Book of Joel

Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Joel, The Prophet.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.

While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation.

Day 1 - Read Joel 1

Chapter 1: Summary

The Locust have eaten the crops in Israel. This was a similar plague that had happened in Israel that was now happening in Israel. This is referred to as the Day of the Lord and it has caused utter devastation to Isreal's food supply.

Challenge Questions

  1. How is the book of Joel different from the other books regarding judgment?

  2. Why is the locust eating the crops of Israel referred to as the Day of the Lord?

Day 2 - Read Joel 2

Challenge Questions

  1. What does it mean to "blow the trumpet in Zion"?

  2. Chapter 2 describes God's presence as darkness, gloom and clouds of thick darkness. Where else in scripture does it refer to the cloud of God's presence as darkness? (Hint: Moses)

  3. Why is God sending an army against his people?

  4. What is God's plan to redeem Israel?

Activation from God’s word



God is a God of authenticity because authenticity brings about real transformation. In the book of Joel, God demonstrates again that He is not interested in lip service but real transformation. Think of it this way, Israel, unlike the other nations, were serving the true and living God. Idols don't care whether the sacrifices of the people are real or not, it's the display that causes the good fortune or good luck. That's how the surrounding nations lived by luck that they wouldn't anger their chosen idol or God. However God's people are different, we have a living relationship and it means something to God when we are honestly devoted.

For Today's activation, let's forget that this is a bible study we have to do as a community and get honest with God about what is going on in our hearts. Is there are an area of your life that God is asking you to repent? Is there an area where you need to get honest with God or need greater accountability in your life?

What does rend your heart and not your garment means to you in your life?

Day 3 - Read Joel 3

Challenge Questions

  1. What is the "Day of the Lord"?

  2. Why do you think that God simply humbled the King and didn't destroy him like the King's of Israel (His own chosen people.)

Interacting with the Word

The Day of the Lord is seen as a source of hope for the body of Christ.

  • What do you think the Day of the Lord will mean to you?

Day 4 - Read Joel Chapter 2 again and then read Acts 2:17

Joel, the History

The Prophet Joel, whose name means "Yah is God," was of the tribe of Reuben, the son of Bethuel, and lived from 810 to 750 B.C. (but some say in the 7th century B.C.). His book is divided into three chapters and is the second in order of the minor Prophets. He foretold the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Joel 2:28, and quoted by the Apostle Peter in Acts 2:17), and the saving power of the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Joel 2:32).

Challenge Questions

  1. How does Joel 2:28 foreshadow or prophecy about the day of Pentecost?

  2. What are the similarities between Joel 2:32 and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:17?

Activation from God’s word

Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit since you believed? If the answer is "No" ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit.
If you have already been baptised in the Holy Spirit then let's pray for fresh fire. Ask the Lord for Holy Spirit for fresh infilling of His Spirit to come and deal with any stagnation or frustration in your feeling.

Day 5 - Read Joel 3 and Psalms 48

Challenge Questions

  1. What happens to the nations that God is using to judge Israel?

  2. What will happen in the valley of decisions?

  3. What did God promise to His people after the judgment of the nations?

  4. Why does the book of Joel end with the Lord dwell in Zion?

Activation from God's Word

Zion is the place where the people of God dwell with God. It's the Holy City where God's people are protected and loved...

The bible says “Walk about Zion and go around her, count her towers, consider her ramparts, and go through her palaces, that you may tell it to the next generation for such is God. Our God is forever and ever; He will guide us until death.” Psalms 48: 12-14

As a believer, Zion is a representation of the promised land for believers of a dwelling place with God. Zion also is Jeruselum. Zion is living with God and it also represents the people of God. Zion is about the future, it's the dwelling place with God. Zion is the place of paradise. I would like to propose to you that God is establishing inside his people a dwelling place, a Zion within you. He gives us access to more than just the blessing of the Lord but His presence.

  • Do you realize that God's presence protects us and causes there to be peace and safety?

Let's pray today for the realization that God's kingdom begins not with a city of laws but with his indwelling presence on the inside of us.

  • What are some areas you struggle in believing that God still protects you?


Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Joel.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.


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