The Book of Hosea
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Hosea.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.
While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation
Day 1 - Read Hosea 1
Challenge Questions
Why did God tell Hosea to marry Gomer?
What was the significance of the names of Hosea's children?
Interacting with the Word
Hosea is the first of the minor prophets also referred to us as the 12 Prophets. Hosea lived in Northern Israel which is also referred to in scripture as Ephraim or Jacob during the reign of Jeroboam the second. It happens during the fall of Israel to the Assyrian Empire.
The first three chapters of Hosea are about his broken marriage to a woman named Gomer who was committing adultery during their marriage. It’s a reflection of God’s relationship with Israel. The consequence of rebellion is exile but there is hope for restoration in the Messiah.
Chapters 4-10: explores the reason for Israel’s sin. The people didn’t know God because they had no intimate relations the word to know means-“Yada”. This is the kind of knowledge that transforms their lives. They also want to trust in their military power.
Chapters 12-14: Accusations & Warning against Israel. It also lays out the plan of redemption.
The last chapter calls Israel to repent. God will heal their waywardness and love them freely.
Day 2 -Read Hosea 2
Challenge Questions
What was God's accusation against Israel?
What was God's plan for redemption for Israel?
Interacting with the Word
God's plan was always to redeem his people: In Hosea 2:23: God says "He will say to those who are not my people, "You are my people!" And they will say, "You are my God".
This alludes to the coming Messiah-Jesus Christ.
Why do you think God's heart to redeem Israel is so great?
Ask God about the areas in your life He desires to redeem and write them in your journal.
Day 3 -Read Hosea 3
Challenge Questions
What did Hosea do when he found Gomer?
How did this prophetic act resemble how God would redeem Israel?
Interacting with the Word
The Lord desires relationships with Intimacy with us and no matter how many times we go astray, he continues to pursue us.
It's time to worship the Lord and thank Him for His goodness. It's time to enter into the place of Intimacy with the Lord thanking Him for His redemption.
Day 4 -Read Hosea 4
Challenge Questions
What was the Lord's Case against Israel?
Why were God's people destroyed for the lack of knowledge?
Interacting with the Word
God says through Hosea, "My people destroyed for lack of knowledge, not because they don't have knowledge but because they reject it."
Think about what God is speaking in the text. He says that it's not that the truth isn't available but they have rejected the truth.
Why do you think people reject the truth of God's word?
Day 5 -Read Hosea 5
Challenge Questions
What is the Spirit of Harlotry?
Why was Ephraim oppressed?
Interacting with the Word
Trusting in man rather than God is one of the greatest challenges of a Prophet. God is challenging Ephraim to trust Him.
What are some areas in your life that you find it challenging to trust God?
Day 6 -Read Hosea 6
Challenge Questions
Who did Ephraim begin to rely on instead of God?
Interacting with the Word
Ephraim begins to trust in their alliances with the other nations more than God. They had adopted the practices of those foreign nations and had begun to trust in their military might over God. Remember when God punished King David for numbering the people. He didn't want David relying on military power but on God.
What are some of the ways in our modern times do you see this happening?
Is there anything in your life that you rely on more than God?
Day 7 -Read Hosea 7
Challenge Questions
Who did Ephraim begin to rely on instead of God?
Interacting with the Word
Ephraim begins to trust in their alliances with the other nations more than God. They had adopted the practices of those foreign nations and had begun to trust in their military might over God.
Remember when God punished King David for numbering the people. He didn't want David relying on military power but on God.
What are some of the ways in our modern times do you see this happening?
Is there anything in your life that you rely on more than God?
Day 8 - Read Hosea 8
Challenge Questions
The Lord said he wrote, "10,000 precepts of the Law and they regarded it as a strange thing."
Why do you think God wrote the law?
Why do you think Israel became so dependent on the other nations?
Interacting with the Word
Ephraim is also Israel. It's interesting that Israel was now going back to Egypt, the land that it was freed from for alliances. It speaks to how at times we go back to areas of familiarity for comfort when we are afraid.
What are some things you find comfort in other than God?
Day 9 - Read Hosea 9
Challenge Questions
What did God consider playing the Harlot?
God refers to Ephraim (Israel) as a watchman and a prophet. What do you think God's intention was for Israel on Earth?
Interacting with the Word
Israel was meant to be a watchman. Their role was to introduce the nations to God. Yet, because they now trust in the God's of the foreign nations, they have lost their place.
They traded their God-given identity to be like the other nations nearby.
Why do you think we often forsake God's identity so that we can be accepted by others?
Are there any areas where you have forsaken your God-given identity to be accepted?
Be honest...
Day 10 - Read Hosea 10
Challenge Questions
Why did the children of Israel reject their King?
What was God's judgement against Israel?
Interacting with the Word
The judgement against Israel seems harsh but remember that for more than a century God had been calling Israel to repent.
Why do you think God was so patient with Israel?
Day 11 - Read Hosea 11
Challenge Questions
God portrays Himself as a Father and Israel as his child, what does that say about how God feels Israel?
How did Israel respond to God's love?
Interacting with the Word
God says He is not a man. He said that all his compassion for Israel is kindled.
What does this say about our relationship with God?
Day 12 -Read Hosea 12
Challenge Questions
How does the history of Israel impact the way they interacted with God?
Interacting with the Word
God recounts his history with Israel and uses it to demonstrate how Israel is a stubborn nation. The work of Jesus allows us to die to sin so that our past will no longer impact our future.
Think back and celebrate how God has transformed you.
Day 13 -Read Hosea 13
Challenge Questions
Why did Israel request a King?
Interacting with the Word
Desiring to be like the other nations was a part of Israel downfall. Admiration is not wrong however, we must always honour how God has made us because of His great love for us...
Think about one of your characteristics. It can be a physical or natural trait and begin to honour it...
Day 14 -Read Hosea 14
Challenge Questions
God said, "He would heal their Apsotacy."
Why does this say about God's love for us?
Interacting with the Word
God's forgiveness is so deep that even in the midst of judgement he has a desire for hope. Hosea concludes by saying "the ways of the Lord are right".
This may seem like an obvious statement but think about this. Israel didn't have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
They only had the law. God in his mercy desired to give them the one thing that would allow them to know that God's ways were right. He needed to write His laws on their hearts
As a new testament believer, our Spirit bears witness to the righteous ways of God, and we are being transformed by His Spirit.
Connect with the Holy Spirit right now and thank God for his mercy and for you sending us (you) his precious Holy Spirit, His Son, and Himself!
Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Hosea.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.