Ministry Sphere
One of the most important aspects of being a leader is longevity. This month we will discuss the importance of thriving in leadership by understanding some key factors that we all must take into account.
One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to understand your particular leadership gifts and where they thrive. If you have ever heard of the seven mountains of influence prophecies, then you know that we are in a season where the church is leaving the building and moving into the different spheres that impact society: family, government, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and religion.
Often times, we are so focused on being a leader within the church that we forget that the church is actually only a part of this group called religion. Religion is not the only influencer in the world, but our education, the media, our families all perceive the way we think, feel, and believe. This is especially important for us as leaders to be aware of because if you have the right calling in the wrong environment it can be stifling to us. Everyone is called to be a minister, but not everyone is called to ministry in the same way, in the same place. We must understand our sphere of ministry in order to thrive.
So let’s begin to answer this question for ourselves?
What is your sphere of ministry?
Arts & Entertainment
If you are unsure how to answer, this question then, begin to answer these questions: Who are the people you are called to serve? What is it you are most passionate about?
Next, let’s think about how you are called to serve them by going through each gifting. Let’s start with the fivefold in church:
Apostolic Gift (Builder) - Apostle means “sent one who sends” because their role is to equip and train others. The apostle has two roles: bringing the vision of heavenly blueprint to earth and mobilizing, mentoring, equipping men and women for the mission and multiplication. Apostles are wired to push the boundaries of the status quo and serve as spiritual fathers, mothers, pioneering, oversight, and renewal. They see the big picture and break it down and assign the pieces to subcontractors. Apostles can be leaders within the church, but they also can be pioneers, franchisers, entrepreneurs, high-level managers. The apostle is equipping sending, and calling people to fulfill their highest purposes, and potentials.
Prophetic Gift (Revealer) -The prophet is God’s confidant and spokesperson. Prophet’s hear a word, discern it and declare it. They focus on the power of God, the presence o God and the perspective of God. Prophets inside the church are leading worship, intercession (prayer), and spiritual gifts. They also prophesy God’s direction to church leadership and apostolic. The Prophet functions in tandem with the apostolic ministry. Prophets awaken passion in us. They often look like creatives in the world because of their connection with the presence of God.
The Evangelist (recruiter), they are herald’s of the good news of the kingdom. The evangelist is empowered by a conviction of God’s love and mercy for all and a deep longing that “none would perish, but that all would come” to the knowledge of the truth. Evangelist imparts a passion for the lost and tools on how to reach them.
The pastoral gift (connector) -the pastoral gift catalyzes and cultivates Christ-centered, caring community. They are responsible for the people of God and their oversight and protection of the sheep. They can also be known as elders. The pastoral gift allows the body to be loved and provided for.
The teaching gift (trainer)-teachers are guardians of the truth. They understand scripture, doctrine, and church history. They protect truth by providing sound, biblical exegesis and expository teaching that help grow in truth. They are also create disciples.
Do any of these resonate with you and your calling in the body of Christ. Do you feel called to disciple and train others, or are you a recruiter? What and where do your gifts lie?