“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”
2 Corinthians 3:17
Jesus, the lover of our soul
We Partner with the Holy Spirit to bring you the freedom God desires.
Be healed, freed and restored of past traumas and rejection. Build and maintain healthy relationships and move into your calling. Heart’s Healing is an inner-healing and deliverance ministry. It uses the prophetic by being guided by the Holy Spirit, to bring restoration to the participant.
During the session, you will partner with God to break lies and deceptions, generational curses, and deal with strongholds and mindsets that are keeping you bound. Our model of inner healing is based on the Sozo method.
Be Free, Healed and Restored, Today.
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Or is your last session happened MORE THAN A YEAR AGO?
If the answer is YES, then book your session below. -
Second time or more booking a session?
Or is your last Heart's Healing session with us happened LESS THAN 1 YEAR AGO?
If the answer is YES, then book your session below.