The Book of Isaiah

Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Isaiah.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.

While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation

Day 1 - Read Isaiah 1 to 3

Interacting with the Word

  1. What were the sins of Israel?

  2. Why did God say he valued their worship?

  3. What would be established in the last days according to Isaiah 2?

  • The major theme of Isaiah is Justice and Righteousness. Justice is actually listed in the Bible more than love. Why do you think God has a high value for justice?

  • Justice or judgement is the word misphat in Hebrew.

  • Righteousness is the word Isedaqah in Hebrew.

Day 2 -Read Isaiah 4 to 5

Interacting with the Word

  1. What is a reflection of the curse on the nation?

  2. What were some of God's specific problems with Israel?

  • We are also introduced to the concept of the Day of the Lord which means a time of judgement, chastisement, punishment & retribution for the sins of mankind.

Day 3 -Read Isaiah 6 to 7

Interacting with the Word

  1. How was Isaiah called to be a Prophet?

  2. What is the sign of the Messiah as mentioned in 7?

Journal Prompt: How has God called you to serve his kingdom? Do you struggle to believe what God has called you as well?
Ask the Holy Spirit about the call of God on your life and then ask Him to give you the wisdom to accept it.

Day 4 -Read Isaiah 8 to 9

Interacting with the Word

  1. What did God reveal about the conspiracies of Israel?

  2. How does Isaiah describe God in his throne room?

  • We are also introduced to the concept of the Day of the Lord which means a time of judgement, chastisement, punishment & retribution for the sins of mankind.

Day 5 -Read Isaiah 10 to 12

Interacting with the Word

  1. How will God judge Zebulon and Naphtali?

  2. What was God's judgement against Assyria?

  3. What is Christ role in humbling Israel?

  4. What is God's plan for restoration?

  • The Branch of Jesse is how God refers to Jesus. Isaiah's prophecies provide a clear and direct link showing how Jesus would be in David's family line (Jesse is David's Father). Chapter 12 then goes on to rejoice before the Lord. The messiah would be the hope of all the nations.

Day 6 -Read Isaiah 13 to 15

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against Babylon?

  2. How will God restore Judah?

Journal prompt: What does restoration look like in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any areas in your life He wants to restore.

Day 7 -Read Isaiah 16 to 18

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against the nations of Moab, Damascus, & Cush?

  • Map of Moab, Damascus, and Cush.


Day 8 -Read Isaiah 19 to 20

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against Babylon, Egypt, and Cush?

Day 9 -Read Isaiah 21 to 22

Interacting with the Word

  1. What were the prophecies for Babylon, Arabia & Edom?

Day 10 -Read Isaiah 23 to 24

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against Tyre and Sidon?

  2. Who do you believe are the remnant?

Day 11 -Read Isaiah 25 to 26

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against the foreign nations?

  2. Why was Isaiah's hope as he worshipped the Lord?

Day 12 -Read Isaiah 27

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was Israel's hope?

  • The Branch of Jesse is how God refers to Jesus. Isaiah's prophecies provide a clear and direct link showing how Jesus would be in David's family line (Jesse is David's Father). Chapter 12 then goes on to rejoice before the Lord. The messiah would be the hope of all the nations.

Day 13 -Read Isaiah 28 to 31

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was God's judgment against the foreign nations?

Day 14 -Read Isaiah 32

Interacting with the Word

  1. What does Isaiah say about righteousness?

  • How do we interact with God's righteousness? How do we reflect God's righteousness on the Earth?

Day 15 -Read Isaiah 33 to 34

Interacting with the Word

  1. What is God's plan for the restoration of Israel?

  2. How will God judge the nations?

  • The Branch of Jesse is how God refers to Jesus. Isaiah's prophecies provide a clear and direct link showing how Jesus would be in David's family line (Jesse is David's Father). Chapter 12 then goes on to rejoice before the Lord. The messiah would be the hope of all the nations.

Day 16 -Read Isaiah 35

Interacting with the Word

  1. What is Israel's hope?

  • The Branch of Jesse is how God refers to Jesus. Isaiah's prophecies provide a clear and direct link showing how Jesus would be in David's family line (Jesse is David's Father). Chapter 12 then goes on to rejoice before the Lord. The messiah would be the hope of all the nations.

Day 17 -Read Isaiah 36 to 37

Interacting with the Word

  1. What was the conflict between King Hezekiah and Sennacherib, king of Assyria?

  2. What did King Hezekiah do when he heard the threats of Assyria?

  3. How does God deliver Israel?

Journal prompt: Challenging God's people is always a mistake. Challenging God's authority is also a mistake. Is there a place where the enemy is trying to intimidate you? Let's begin to take these areas before the Lord.

Day 18 -Read Isaiah 38 to 39

Interacting with the Word

  1. What happened to King Hezekiah?

  2. What was King Hezekiah's weakness?

Day 19 -Read Isaiah 40 to 43

Interacting with the Word

  1. What does Isaiah say about the Hope of Israel and the messiah?

Day 20 -Read Isaiah 44-46

Interacting with the Word

  1. What is the significance of Cyrus?

  2. What are the treasures hidden in the darkness?

Day 21 -Read Isaiah 47

Interacting with the Word

  1. What happens to Babylon?

Day 22 -Read Isaiah 48

Interacting with the Word

  1. God is described as the All-Knowing God. What does that mean?

Day 23 to 24 -Read Isaiah 49

Interacting with the Word

  1. Who is the Lord's special messenger?

  2. What does the Lord promise to those who try to contend with his people?

Day 25 -Read Isaiah 50 to 52

Interacting with the Word

  1. How does God plan to bring restoration to the world?

Day 26 -Read Isaiah 53 to 55

Interacting with the Word

Isaiah describes the suffering of the Lord Jesus on Earth.

  1. What sticks out to you the most, regarding these descriptions?

Day 27 -Read Isaiah 56 to 59

Interacting with the Word

Isaiah makes the conclusion that ritual sacrifice was not enough to cleanse Israel of its sin.

  1. What is the Lord's strategy for truly making Israel righteous?

  2. What does that mean for our ability to be righteous before the Lord?

Day 28 -Read Isaiah 59 to 61

Interacting with the Word

  1. How does the Lord plan to save Israel?

  2. How does God plan to redeem the gentiles?

  • Jesus read Isaiah 61 and said the scripture was fulfilled through Him.

  • Begin to declare Isaiah 61 as a born again believer over your life.

Day 29 -Read Isaiah 62 to 64

Interacting with the Word

Isaiah 64 refers to God as Father. It also asks God to rend the heavens and come down. The language being used is the language of intimacy.

  1. How do you see God, is He your Father?

  2. Do you long to be in His presence?

  • Jesus read Isaiah 61 and said the scripture was fulfilled through Him.

  • Begin to declare Isaiah 61 as a born again believer over your life.

Day 30 -Read Isaiah 65 to 66

Interacting with the Word

Isaiah 65 speaks about the blessing that is inside.

What does this say about God's ability to see what's in us?

What is God's ultimate plan for the nations?


Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Isaiah.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.


The Book of Obadiah


The Book of Ezekiel