The Book of Habakkuk
Welcome to the bible teaching Series a study of Habakkuk.
This series will help study the bible as it is God's word. It is my belief that the bible is one of the most important books to understand period but especially as it relates to the supernatural gifts.
We must be rooted in God’s word. So take a seat, grab your bible and let’s study God’s word together.
While you are reading, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying on each page. This isn’t meant to be a religious duty but a fresh encounter with God through His word. So as you read through the Bible every day ask Him to give you a new revelation.
Read Habakkuk 1
Interacting with the Word
What happens when the law is rejected, and the leaders don't bring correction?
Why do you think God sent Israel to devour Israel?
Read Habakkuk 2
Interacting with the Word
Why does God use corrupt nations to chastise Israel?
Write down an example of something the Lord used to teach you a lesson in your life.
Do you ever feel like God's justice isn't just? Why would God use unrighteous people to discipline his people? When you can't see what's in front of you, God desires us to have faith in what God is going to do even if we can't see it. Have you ever felt stuck and believed that God has abandoned you? Think about Habakkuk who was watching Israel in exile and God tells him that He would use an unrighteous people to discipline them. We must understand that His ways are higher than our ways. God answers Habakkuk and He begins to realize that God isn't ignoring him.
He often answers in a timing we don't understand. What are some things you are holding before the Lord that you don't understand? Are you waiting for an answer or are you disappointed that the answer is not what you thought? It's time to release your anger towards God and begin to have Faith in what He is doing, even when you can't see it.
Read Habakkuk 3
Interacting with the Word
What are the 5 woes?
What did God say would happen to nations that practiced these things?
Have you ever been disappointed with God? Have you ever felt like he let you down? Now that you have read Habakkuk and heard God's responses to Habakkuk, think about a time you felt disappointed with God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk through healing and forgiveness with the Lord by following these steps.
Journal prompt: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the place of disappointment.
Then ask the Lord to show you the truth about that situation for example: "Lord, where were you when this happened? Lord, why did you allow this to happen?"
Then ask the Lord what's the truth about that current situation and invite the Holy Spirit to heal the area of your life.
You may need to forgive God for your disappointment.
Thanks for joining the bible study series on the Book of Habakkuk.
We look forward to seeing your responses to our questions.
Post them in the GroupChat and let us know what you learned from the book.
We hope you enjoy reading God’s word.